"Collecting Stories”
Season 2
Season 2
“Collecting Stories: A Discussioncast on Embracing Diverse Approaches to Raising Toddlers While Living in Germany”
Parenthood is a journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless stories waiting to be told. After moving from Dubai to Germany, we find ourselves embarking on a whole new chapter, raising Munanui, our spirited toddler, while adjusting to life abroad. As we navigate this fresh terrain, our mission remains the same: to gather and share stories from parents around the world, capturing the intricate paths of parenting and partnership.
Raising a toddler isn’t just about guiding their growth; it’s about nurturing the bond with our partners amid the whirlwind of toddlerhood. Now, as we explore life in Germany, we aim to weave together a rich tapestry of narratives that celebrate the beauty, messiness, and wonder of this phase. Your stories, filled with highs and lows, have the power to inspire and guide others on their own journeys.
Join us on this adventure, side by side, as parents and partners in a new country. Welcome to our discussioncast, where we take an honest, unfiltered dive into the realities of raising toddlers, nurturing relationships, and adjusting to life abroad. As parents who have recently moved from Dubai, we know firsthand the excitement and challenges of starting fresh in a new place, while also managing the everyday triumphs and trials of raising a lively child—just like so many of you. Each episode explores a diverse array of topics, featuring special guests who offer insights and perspectives from all corners of the globe.
No matter our backgrounds or where we call home, we all share a common goal: to navigate the joys and challenges of toddlerhood and partnership in ways that feel authentic and fulfilling. Whether you’re seasoned parents or just beginning this adventure, we invite you to listen in as we share wisdom, experiences, and advice from families worldwide as we explore our new life abroad.
Together, let's embrace the complexities of raising toddlers and nurturing relationships. Welcome to our ongoing conversation on parenting and partnership.

Ep.5/ "Parenting & Politics: Raising Voices, Shaping Futures "

Ep.4/ "Unexpected Journeys: From Bars to Baby Bottles"

Ep.3/ "Thriving, striving and surviving"

Ep.2/ "Laughter, Love, and Sperm Donors: A Unique Family Journey"